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  • Blog Feeds
    01-26 08:40 AM


    Congress created the H-1B program in 1990 to enable U.S. employers to hire temporary, foreign workers in specialty occupations. The law capped the number of H-1B visas issued per fiscal year at 65,000. Since then, the cap has fluctuated with legislative changes. Congress asked GAO to assess the impact of the cap on the ability of domestic companies to innovate, while ensuring that U.S. workers are not disadvantaged. In response, GAO examined what is known about (1) employer demand for H-1B workers; (2) how the cap affects employer costs and decisions to move operations overseas; (3) H-1B worker characteristics and the potential impact of raising the cap; and (4) how well requirements of the H-1B program protect U.S. workers. GAO analyzed data from 4 federal agencies; interviewed agency officials, experts, and H-1B employers; and reviewed agency documents and literature.

    In most years, demand for new H-1B workers exceeded the cap: From 2000 to 2009, demand for new H-1B workers tended to exceed the cap, as measured by the numbers of initial petitions submitted by employers who are subject to the cap. There is no way to precisely determine the level of any unmet demand among employers, since they tend to stop submitting (and the Department of Homeland Security stops tracking) petitions once the cap is reached each year. When we consider all initial petitions, including those from universities and research institutions that are not subject to the cap, we find that demand for new H-1B workers is largely driven by a small number of employers. Over the decade, over 14 percent of all initial petitions were submitted by cap-exempt employers, and only a few employers (fewer than 1 percent) garnered over one-quarter of all H-1B approvals. Most interviewed companies said the H-1B cap and program created costs, but were not factors in their decisions to move R&D overseas: The 34 H-1B employers GAO interviewed reported that the cap has created some additional costs, though the cap's impact depended on the size and maturity of the company. For example, in years when visas were denied by the cap, most large firms reported finding other (sometimes more costly) ways to hire their preferred job candidates. On the other hand, small firms were more likely to fill their positions with different candidates, which they said resulted in delays and sometimes economic losses, particularly for firms in rapidly changing technology fields. Limitations in agency data and systems hinder tracking the cap and H-1B workers over time: The total number of H-1B workers in the U.S. at any one time--and information about the length of their stay--is unknown, because (1) data systems among the various agencies that process such individuals are not linked so individuals cannot be readily tracked, and (2) H-1B workers are not assigned a unique identifier that would allow for tracking them over time--particularly if and when their visa status changes. Restricted agency oversight and statutory changes weaken protections for U.S. workers: Elements of the H-1B program that could serve as worker protections--such as the requirement to pay prevailing wages, the visa's temporary status, and the cap itself--are weakened by several factors. First, program oversight is fragmented and restricted. Second, the H-1B program lacks a legal provision for holding employers accountable to program requirements when they obtain H-1B workers through a staffing company. Third, statutory changes made to the H-1B program have, in combination and in effect, increased the pool of H-1B workers beyond the cap and lowered the bar for eligibility. Taken together, the multifaceted challenges identified in this report show that the H-1B program, as currently structured, may not be used to its full potential and may be detrimental in some cases. This report offers several matters for congressional consideration, including that Congress re-examine key H-1B program provisions and make appropriate changes as needed. GAO also recommends that the Departments of Homeland Security and Labor take steps to improve efficiency, flexibility, and monitoring of the H-1B program. Homeland Security disagreed with two recommendations and one matter, citing logistical and other challenges; however, we believe such challenges can be overcome. Labor did not respond to our recommendations.


    Our recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.

    Director:Andrew SherrillTeam:Government Accountability Office: Education, Workforce, and Income SecurityPhone:(202) 512-7252

    Matters for Congressional Consideration

    Recommendation: To ensure that the H-1B program continues to meet the needs of businesses in a global economy while maintaining a balance of protections for U.S. workers, Congress may wish to consider reviewing the merits and shortcomings of key program provisions and making appropriate changes as needed. Such a review may include, but would not necessarily be limited to (1) the qualifications required for workers eligible under the H-1B program, (2) exemptions from the cap, (3) the appropriateness of H-1B hiring by staffing companies, (4) the level of the cap, and (5) the role the program should play in the U.S. immigration system in relationship to permanent residency.

    Status: In process

    Comments: When we determine what steps the Congress has taken, we will provide updated information.
    Recommendation: To reduce duplication and fragmentation in the administration and oversight of the H-1B application process, consistent with past GAO matters for congressional consideration, Congress may wish to consider eliminating the requirement that employers first submit a Labor Condition Application (LCA) to the Department of Labor for certification, and require instead that employers submit this application along with the I-129 application to the Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for review.

    Status: In process

    Comments: When we determine what steps the Congress has taken, we will provide updated information.
    Recommendation: To improve the Department of Labor's ability to investigate and enforce employer compliance with H-1B program requirements, Congress may wish to consider granting the department subpoena power to obtain employer records during investigations under the H-1B program.

    Status: In process

    Comments: When we determine what steps the Congress has taken, we will provide updated information.
    Recommendation: To help ensure the full protection of H-1B workers employed through staffing companies, Congress may wish to consider holding the employer where an H-1B visa holder performs work accountable for meeting program requirements to the same extent as the employer that submitted the LCA form.

    Status: In process

    Comments: When we determine what steps the Congress has taken, we will provide updated information.
    Recommendations for Executive Action

    Recommendation: To help ensure that the number of new H-1B workers who are subject to the cap--both entering the United States and changing to H-1B status within the United States--does not exceed the cap each year, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services should take steps to improve its tracking of the number of approved H-1B applications and the number of issued visas under the cap by fully leveraging the transformation effort currently under way, which involves the adoption of an electronic petition processing system that will be linked to the Department of State's tracking system. Such steps should ensure that linkages to the Department of State's tracking system will provide Homeland Security with timely access to data on visa issuances, and that mechanisms for tracking petitions and visas against the cap are incorporated into U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' business rules to be developed for the new electronic petition system.

    Agency Affected: Department of Homeland Security

    Status: In process

    Comments: When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
    Recommendation: To address business concerns without undermining program integrity, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services should, to the extent permitted by its existing statutory authority, explore options for increasing the flexibility of the application process for H-1B employers, such as (1) allowing employers to rank their applications for visa candidates so that they can hire the best qualified worker for the jobs in highest need; (2) distributing the applications granted under the annual cap in allotments throughout the year (e.g. quarterly); and (3) establishing a system whereby businesses with a strong track-record of compliance with H-1B regulations may use a streamlined application process.

    Agency Affected: Department of Homeland Security

    Status: In process

    Comments: When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
    Recommendation: To improve the transparency and oversight of the posting requirement on the Labor Condition Application (LCA), as part of its current oversight role, the Employment and Training Administration should develop and maintain a centralized Web site, accessible to the public, where businesses must post notice of the intent to hire H-1B workers. Such notices should continue to specify the job category and worksite location noted on the LCA and required by statute on current noncentralized postings.

    Agency Affected: Department of Labor

    Status: In process

    Comments: When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
    Recommendation: To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its investigations of employer compliance with H-1B requirements, the Employment and Training Administration should provide Labor's Wage and Hour Division searchable access to the LCA database.

    Agency Affected: Department of Labor

    Status: In process

    Comments: When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.


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  • sabr
    09-18 03:37 PM
    If I work little less than 40 hrs will it be considered as part time? Can I use EAD at that time ?

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  • obviously
    12-04 08:15 PM
    Next time you fly into India, THANK the security folks for taking care of security day in and day out.

    After all they are also human beings. They work in one of the most unmotivating work environments. Worse than those in GC Q's.

    If each of us did this, imagine the power of change... and they will be more motivated to secure and protect all...

    Just a simple "Thanks for taking care of us all"... and not too much to arouse suspicion :)

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  • ineedhelp
    07-18 12:07 PM
    Hi Ram,

    Thanks for your reply. But i heard like the policies which are signed india are valid in USA becoz of the mutual countries agreement. I did actually visit an attorney and got to know from her that it is probably something that wipro might not take (action against me) but she did paused and told me that USA will of course will honor any policies that were signed in India because of bilateral agreement.



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  • vxg
    10-17 03:02 PM
    I have applied for my EAD and I-485 in the month of June '07 and all that i have recieved so far is my wife's EAD. I still did not recieve my EAD nor the finger prints notice nor the 485 yet. I have to move to IL from TX now and i am in a big confusion now. I heard that the mails from the USICS will not be forwarded to any new address by the USPS. If i would want to change my address with the USCIS now will it be a good move or is there any other alternative that you all could suggest me...Please advice me on this issue and help me out of this situation.


    You can actually call IO at USCIS and get address updated if you are in the system.

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  • mmandal
    06-08 12:18 PM
    Chanduv23 wrong on both counts:

    "For those who do not care about families - tearing families is the worst thing that can ever happen and if you are on that side, you will understand the pain."

    No one is "tearing families." Restricts family immigration to just spouses and children under 21. No more uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces. If people want to come they need to on their merits. Think about LPRs who have to wait years on end to even get their spouses in.

    "And for those who think CIR failed which is good for us - just think about the 12 million illegals and walk in their shoes - what goes through them - CIR is their only hope."

    No one said CIR failing was good for us because it provided relief for illegals. No jealousy here sir. We wanted CIR to fail because in 'saving' illegals it screwed us. If the illegals took a risk in breaking the law its their burden to bear. Moreover, asking the basic question of why illegals and why not legals should be a part of debate. I believe, our interest is best served by strongly differentiating ourselves from the illegals. Lets do without the socialism.


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  • shishya
    09-27 01:12 AM
    y not ask SEC or NASDAQ to file for your h1..... that should take care of things..... if u r making 10 trades in a day ..... during day time..... then u r actually not working in u'r real job..... y not have h1 for the job that u r really doing...... just trying to help by suggesting a way out.....

    Helping by suggesting a way out? Wow, thanks! With all due respect, I'd request you to keep your opinion about who should file my H1B to yourself. I had a straightforward simple question, if you do not want to answer, so be it. And please mind your own business rather than judging if I am doing my job or not just coz I seem to be day trading. Think before you post crap. Thank you.

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  • eatpavbhaji
    04-22 02:20 PM
    I lost my major young life on green card (around 9 years) and I can just am pray that my labor will be used only for myself and not others.




    Below comments have gone to comments for elimination of labor substitution.

    TOP 10 reason to support rule to eliminate labor substitution.

    1> So many years, labor applications were misused completely. Many Companies were filing fake labor and were using for anyone elsewith lower educated, lower experience people who wanted GC within 6 months instead of normal 4 to 6 years. It is like stealing someone's pocket.

    2> One was waiting for years hoping his labor will get approved and after his labor was approved, company used for another person demonstrating complete exploitation of system.

    3> Many company started selling labor applications as key business

    4> Many companies were giving too less salary indicating that if employee joins with minimum salary and if they sign 6 years of bond then company will use USA's approved labor for anyone.

    5> Most of the companies started asking money from employee. So if employee is saving $6000 per year, they have to work for free for entire year if they want GC.

    6> Why one need to substitute labor when they can file new labor for new person anyway.

    7> Companies started threatening employees that if employee don't do what they say, they will use his/her labor for other and he will loose all 2 or 3 years of labor approval. Why was legal to take labor back and use it like playing cards!!

    8> Everyone knew that they can buy approved labor and get their GC in few months and original owner will loose years.

    9> Who is going to audit whos labor was used how ? Nobody in past from government asked or audited as how come one's GC came so fast and others with better capabilities/education took 5 times. Nobody in past from government asked or audited as if employee was important then why company never filed labor for him and all of sudden used pre-approved labor to have that employee.

    10> Companies used to stock labor applications like grocery (actually like
    gold...can buy/sell anytime !)...after all labor application is cheap and shortcut to save 2 to 3 years and sell in blackmarket.


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  • sbdol
    08-05 06:33 PM

    What if all the background adjudication of 485 is done in 1 year and then we change from EB3 to EB2, its not going to affect the current 485 ? It will just put the file in a better category ?
    If every EB3 is ported to EB2 then EB2 will retrogress to 2001 and EB3 will become current.

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  • gcformeornot
    08-14 02:32 PM
    Just now my lawyer called to tell that she got all my receipts , filed on july 2nd but my wifes application was rejected for "insufficient filing fees", I had put in a single check for $745 , how can this be, it was both in the same fedex packet, she says it is some "mailroom error", so she sent back the application with a letter and my receipt copy to accept. My app also had a $745 check and that was receipted,
    Has this happned to anyone, please respond , i am wondering if what my lawyer did was correct, pls share your experiences.

    to send separate checks so they can generate LIN/SRC numbers against each application.:(


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  • logiclife
    12-01 04:44 PM
    I dont think you can amend the labor petition's job description. You may have to file new labor again for new description.

    If I may ask, why are you so worried about job desc of labor and your everyday duties. Really, if they have changed a little bit, its not a big deal.

    There is a lot of overlap between what programmers do, what programmers/analysts do and what Business analysts do. I know a lot of business analysts who at times write their own code and a lot of programmers who document stuff - kind of documentation that BAs do.

    People who adjudicate cases at USCIS are not really IT guys who can differentiate between fine nuances like BA, programmers etc.

    Then again, we dont know much about your case, better talk to a lawyer if you are still not comfortable with your situation. Forums are not an alternate to professional legal advice. Be careful before you act on advice from forums. No one here is lawyer and no one here knows the full case. Spending 200 dollars to get the right legal advice when making important decisions is worth every penny.

    You can also submit your question for the free legal advice program we have (see the homepage) and your question would be taken up.

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  • gsc999
    06-26 12:41 PM
    Lou Doubs live on CSPAN Live from National Press Club in Washington D.C. :rolleyes:
    This surely is a desperate measure on Lou's part.

    Lou, as expected, bashing the passage of cloture. Says amendments haven't been distributed among the Senators. Says, strong possibility of passage in the Senate. Doubs uses his regular tool of fear, says common Americans should be concerned by this.


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  • ArunAntonio
    05-14 07:14 PM
    'Cautious Optimism' are the key words folks ;)
    -- as some else put it in another post .. this has not cured us of the retrogression ailment, this is just a pain killer.
    We should move ahead as planned. My support for IV core as usual.

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  • my2cents
    08-05 11:36 AM
    Time and again - there are confilicting opinion from attorneys.

    My attorney ( and i trust her) said that if you are maintaining H1/H4 status (not necessairly VISA stamped) . your I-485/I-131 doesn't get considered cancelled and only requirements that you must be in US while filing. Being on purely non immigrant VISA like F1/F2/B1 you must be in US on day of approval.

    People normally refer to friend's example but i have 2 collegues whose spouses has done same thing. Spouse's H4 visa stamping is long expired but they were gone to India after filing AP and they have comeback without any issue.

    If you have not extended ur H1-B/H4 (dual immigrant) and have take advantage on AC-21 then I believe that you are not maintaining any non-immigrant status and you are just paroled in.



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  • sriramkalyan
    01-02 11:19 AM
    !!! Canada!!!

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  • desi3933
    02-01 07:58 AM
    thanks for the reply..this means having a dependent visa is the key at the time of approval..

    This is NOT what I said in my post. I mentioned "Dependent Relationship". Dependent Visa applies in most cases, though. Example - Your wife could be on F1 or other visa and that is not dependent visa.

    Contrary to popular myth, it is ok to file I-485 on F1 visa status.

    if the application was approved and the wife was on h4 (but didn't file her i485 yet..) then she could still file for her i485?

    Correct. It is advisable to file I-485 as soon as your PD is current. However, section 245(k) covers for 180 calendar days. In some cases, she may have more time, but those cases are linked to visa status and usually don't apply to H4 status holders.

    Good Luck.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin


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  • sai_dt2000
    04-28 12:32 PM
    Could be finger printing appointment letter.

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  • GotFreedom?
    07-22 05:38 PM
    Hi guys,

    I bet this question must have been asked before but I couldn't find the relevant thread so I'm asking again. Apologies if its a repeat.

    I am maintaining my H1-B while my AOS is pending. Last year my wife went to India while she had valid H4 (not stamped in passport) and AP documents. She did not get her visa stamped and reentered the country using the AP with no issues. He I-94 said Parolled till Some date, March 2009. I totally forgot about it and never renewed her AP or mine. Does it pose any kind of threat to her legal status in the US and AOS?

    I am still working on H1 and she is a parolee.

    Thanks in advance fopr the responses.

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  • toprasad
    06-10 12:39 AM
    Received RFE for primary applicant (myself) and spouse.
    Please submit evidence of lawful presence from October 1998 until August 17, 2007.
    The documents may include the following:
    A) a photo copy of form I-797 for all extensions and change of status
    B) photo copy of form I-20 or IAP66 school records (front and back) including all school annotations
    c) Photocopy (front and back) of applicant's Form I-94 Arrival/Departure Record

    Below is my immigration timeline

    CLASS ------ VALID FROM ------ VALID TO ------ Comments
    H1-B -------- 5/16/1995 -------- 5/17/1998
    H1-B -------- 5/17/1998 -------- 5/17/2001
    H1-B -------- 12/23/1999 ------- 6/30/2001
    H1-B -------- 7/1/2001 --------- 9/30/2001
    0-1 --------- 10/3/2001 ------ 10/1/2004 ------ Stamped in Chennai
    EAD --------- 8/4/2004 -------- 8/3/2005 ------- EB1 denied 1/15/2005
    0-1 --------- 5/13/2005 ------- 5/12/2008 ------ Stamped in Chennai
    0-1 --------- 4/3/2007 --------- 3/13/2010
    0-1 ---------- 5/2/2207 --------- 5/12/2009

    After 1/15/05 (EB-1 denial)
    - Left the country on 6/15/05 (less than 6 months)
    - During this time, applied for O-1 visa and got approved
    - Got visa stamping in Chennai with O-1 visa
    Do you see any issues with my response ?

    02-03 07:32 PM
    Hey there, I have a three year bachelor's (from Australia) and an American CPA. I believe the two can be evaluated to an Ameircan Master's equivalent. Please, check with your lawyers. It should be possible.

    CPA is certification not a degree so i don't think it can be evaluated towards a degree equivalence:confused:

    07-29 03:35 PM
    If that's the way u think...This is how it will work

    Yeah right....come to US on tourist Visa when ur wife is pregnant.....let your child be born during that trip...and get a green card..

    Hi there,

    IV seems to be a terrific service to the immigration community. Kudos to the people who work hard to make it work.

    Has anyone heard of cases where immigration lawyers have successfully petitioned on behalf of parents of a US baby (way before the age of 18) to become GC holders or citizens?

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